Current technology changes have created an unprecedented opportunity. The key to success lies in embracing one's humanity. We can differentiate ourselves from technology and gain a competitive edge by leveraging our inherent human qualities that technology cannot replicate, and just be “more human.”
Then, by augmenting our human element, or Hu OS, with technology, we can remain relevant, impactful, and designers of the future.
Sounds so simple. But what does it mean to enhance our humanness? More importantly, HOW do we do it?
The DHX Relevance Model™ is designed to be a roadmap, a GPS for identifying and adapting the areas of your humanness needed to stay “relevant” in changing business contexts.
Many agree this type of upskilling will be critical but where do you get it? Who are the best providers? Which skills do I need? How do I measure my success? All questions we here regularly.
We are developing the DHX Relevance Model™ to address this challenge and provide a roadmap for individuals and teams. In addition, we are creating the collective to offer you access to the right expertise at the right time delivered with L&D best practices.
By understanding people’s thinking patterns, we can empower individuals to flourish, ease tensions within groups, and use the learnings to leverage technological advancements.
When we say “relevance”, we’re focusing on what it means to be aware of your changing context; empowering you to understand the choices you have, the skills you can employ, and how technology can amplify rather than replace you.
We are not focused on ALL the skills that make us uniquely human, but specifically the ones that will make us more adaptable, resilient, and impactful in our careers. Those that will allow us to amplify our humanity with the right types of augmentation.
Optimize YOUR Human Element
Your context at any given moment can change, and the choices you can make are guided by the patterns you run. These patterns impact your thinking and can be felt in your body. Amplifying your awareness and control of your human operating system, allows you to harness Hu OS, the Human Element, to more effectively lead and augment with technology.
The beauty of being part of this collective is we realize no single person has all the answers.
We are creating the DHX Relevance Model™ to serve as a map, a GPS so you can more effectively optimize your human operating system and always be relevant.
Relevance is a ”state” of being that changes based on context. Water in warm temperatures is a liquid, in cold temperatures, ice; in extreme heat, a gas.
We want to equip you with the tools to flex as needed, exceed where possible, and navigate the future regardless of design.
We also want to bring together a collective of experts and resources to serve as facilitators and sherpas on your journey. No one has all the answers, things are moving too fast. But we need a model or foundation to aid in continual focus that individuals can use to navigate the technological landscape and empower themselves.
We believe a collective is a more powerful approach to empowering this journey - for individuals and teams. We believe the outcome will be unimagined impacts for the individual, team, and business.